Menbership Information

Membership of IDDRG is by country or group of countries: there is no individual membership. The responsibility for communication and dissemination of information is placed with the National Secretary, who is generally a member of an institute, a university or a company involved in sheet metal research, production or utilisation.

There is a current membership fee of 150 € per annum.

Currently there are 20 National Secretaries, covering 27 member countries, since some countries have grouped together for administrative convenience, such as:

    • Benelux Deep-drawing Research Group – BDDRG involving Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg,
    • Scandinavian Deep-drawing Research Group – SDDRG involving Sweden, Norway and Finnland,
    • North-American Deep-drawing Research Group – NADDRG involving the USA and Canada.

To join IDDRG, contact:

Mr. N.A.J. Langerak
Tata Steel Europe

PO Box 10.000
1970 CA IJmuiden
+31 2514 98507
+31 2514 70432

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