Executive Committee
The IDDRG Executive Committee is the operative governing body of the International Deep-drawing Research Group.
The Executive Committee is headed by the President. The work of the President is supported by Vice-Presidents who are nominated to represent the main geographical regions of the World and in some cases Vice-Presidents are nominated to control special tasks within the IDDRG. One of the Vice-Presidents works as the Treasurer of the IDDRG. The work of the Executive Committee is coordinated by the Secretary General.
The Executive Committee usually meets 2-3 times a year. During these meetings, the EC discusses relevant issues of IDDRG, deals with actual research topics and proposals. decides about the date, venue and topics of forthcoming meetings and Conferences.
Executive Committee members
Executive Committee members of the International Deep Drawing Reseacrh Group.
Minutes of ExCo meetings
Information on the meetings of the Executive Committee.