Here you can search our online database of IDDRG papers using various search profiles (e.g. author(s)’name, Papers’ title, etc.). Papers are available online only since 2005. If you need old paper please go to IDDRG Library Archives where you will find information how to get these papers in paper format.

Prediction of wrinkling in automotive connector using genetic algorithm
Vilas Nandedkar, Ganesh Kakandikar 2014
Experimental study and simulation of hydroforming tubular stainless steel components
G.D. Wang, L.C. Chan, C.L. Chow 2009
Warm drawability of Mg-Al-SUS clad sheet metal
Y.S. Lee, T.W. Jung, D. Kim, Y.H. Moon, C.J. Van Tyne 2009
An investigation of complex shape during low pressure tube hydroforming
C. Nikhare, M. Weiss and P.D. Hodgson 2009
Feasability of producing tailored microstructures in hot stamped sheets components
A. Ghiotti, D. Pellegrini, S. Bruschi 2009
Finite element validation of a cast iron die shoe
M. Pape, J.P. McGuire, G. Pastor, C. Riedel 2009
Materials – today and tomorrow
L. Troive, P. Emanuelsson 2008
Comparison of springback behaviour for cylindrical cups manufactured by deep drawing and asymmetric incremental sheet forming (AISF)
B. Taleb Araghi, M. Bambach, G. L. Manco and G. Hirt 2009
Processes and Tooling – today and tomorrow
N. Asnafi, B. Wadman, E. Sagstr 2008
Investigation of forming, joining, coating in automobile industry
S. Saberi, R. Vallant, H. Cerjak, H. Schroettner, J. Hinterd 2009
FE-simulations – possibilities and limitations, today and tomorrow
L. Nilsson, K. Mattiasson 2008
FLD assessment using the proposed new standard
H. Thoors, M. Sigvant, J. Hertzman, J. Tulonen, L. Troive, I. Grenbjörk , L. Martikainen, J. Danckert 2008
Feasible methods applied to the design and manufacturing process of hot forming
N. Ma, P. Hu, K.-K. Yan, W. Guo, X.-B. Meng, W.H. Wu and S.-J. Zai 2009
Performance features and production of nodular cast iron advanced materials for forming dies
W. Stets, R. Suarez, X. Gonzalez 2008
Hot stamping of car body parts with local strength adjustment
R. Kolleck, R. Veit, C. Koroschetz 2009
Testing of lubricant performance in sheet metal forming
N. Bay, D. D. Olsson, K. L. Friis 2008
Sheet metal shearing and edge characterization of dual phase steels
X.M. Chen, C. Du, X. Wu, X. Zhu, S.D. Liu 2009
Validation of digital speckle correlation strain measurements with extensometers
J. Koljonen, Tuomas Katajarinne , Annette Lönnqvist, Jarmo T. Alander 2008
Fast bending of assembly flanges in automotive structural parts
I. Eguia, I. Perez, I. Aranguren, I. Ulacia and M.A. Gutiérrez 2009
Influence of size effects on the process window for deep drawing
Z. Hu, R. Walther, F. Vollertsen 2009

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