Here you can search our online database of IDDRG papers using various search profiles (e.g. author(s)’name, Papers’ title, etc.). Papers are available online only since 2005. If you need old paper please go to IDDRG Library Archives where you will find information how to get these papers in paper format.

Formability of 7000 aluminum alloys in warm and hot forming condition
B-A Behrens, S Hübner and H Vogt 2018
Deep Drawing Parameters and Characteristics for the Hot Forming of AA7075
Kaab Omer, Clifford Butcher, Shahrzad Esmaeili and Michael Worswick 2018
A study on forming process of AA5083 alloy with an infrared local heat treatment
Eun-Ho Lee, Sejin Ko 2018
Failure predictions in warm forming of 7075-T6 aluminum structural parts
T Feister, H Kim, A Gwinn, T Schiller and M Austin 2018
Presshardening heat treatment equipment with an installed
H. Lehmann 2018
Effects of Lubrication on the Warm Forming of High Strength Aluminum 7075-T6 Alloy
Paul Bosler 2018
Stress state, strain rate and temperature dependent plasticity and failure response of aluminum alloy 7075 during warm and hot forming
Kedar S. Pandya, Christian C. Roth and Dirk Mohr 2018
Mass production-line and process route to enable the use of high strength aluminium alloy materials in car body engineering
Gerald Anyasodor and Christian Koroschetz 2018
Thermo-mechanical Material Characterization and Stretch-bend Forming of AA6016
Eva-Lis Odenberger, Lluís Pérez Caro, Hans Ahlin and Mats Oldenburg 2018
Modelling of the Pre-Strain Dependent Age Hardening Response in AA6000 Series Aluminium Alloys
Sebastijan Jurendic, Zeqin Liang, Maude Fumeaux and Richard Burrows 2018
The influence of warm forming conditions on the natural aging and springback of a 6016-T4 aluminum alloy
H. Laurent, V.M. Sim?es, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes 2018
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Non-isothermal Cup Drawing of a 7XXX-T76 Aluminum Alloy Sheet
J Noder, A Abedini, T Rahmaan, S DiCecco, C Butcher and M Worswick 2018
Formability enhancement of EN AW-5182 H18 aluminum alloy sheet metal parts in a flash forming process: testing, calibration and evaluation of fracture
A A Camberg, F Bohner, J Tölle, A Schneidt, S Meiners and T Tröster 2018
Multi-objective sheet metal forming simulations using a software agnostic platform
O. El Fakir, A. Wang, Q. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Liu and L. Wang 2018
Characterization of ultra-fine grained AA6061 alloy sheets processed through two different severe plastic deformation techniques
Kandarp Changela, K Hariharan and D Ravi Kumar 2018
A holistic approach to lightweight design of multi-component gearwheels
Tim Benkert, Maria Hiller and Wolfram Volk 2018
Development of a Folding Tool for Miuri-Structures
Matthias Schneider and Mathias Liewald 2018
An Investigation on Square Tube Forming using a Reuleaux triangle
Ryan J. Horstman and C P Nikhare 2018
Experimental investigation on tube flaring with a rotating tool
E M Mamros and C P Nikhare 2018
Sheet Hydroforming and Other New Potential Forming Technologies
T Maki and J Cheng 2018

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