Here you can search our online database of IDDRG papers using various search profiles (e.g. author(s)’name, Papers’ title, etc.). Papers are available online only since 2005. If you need old paper please go to IDDRG Library Archives where you will find information how to get these papers in paper format.

Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Hydroforming of 2198 Al-Li Alloy Curved Sheet Parts with Large Unsupported Area
Bin-Jun Zhou, Yong-Chao Xu 2018
Efficient simulation of ironing process for deep drawn parts
M. Gösling, A. Güner, I. Burchitz, Th.Thülig and B. Carleer 2018
Form-fit joining behaviour between an aluminium tube and sheet using electromagnetic forming
Hyeonil Park, Jinwoo Lee, Se-Jong Kim, Youngseon Lee and Daeyong Kim 2018
Effect of Impact Hydroforming Loads on the Formability of AA5A06 Sheet Metal
S H Zhang, Y Ma, Y Xu, A A El-Aty, D Y Chen, Y L Shang, A I 2018
Considering fluctuations of material properties, stainless steel 1.4301, on manufacturability of kitchen sinks
D Harsch, P Fischer, B Berisha, J Heing 2018
Implementation of a tribology-based process control system for deep drawing processes
J. Heing 2018
Introductory study of sheet metal forming simulations to evaluate process robustness
Sravan Tatipala, Johan Pilthammar, Mats Sigvant, Johan Wall 2018
Implementation of feedback control in kitchen sink production
P. Fischer, D. Harsch, J. Heing 2018
Numerical and experimental investigation for formability of friction stir welded dissimilar aluminum alloys
W Noh, J H Song, I J Jang, S H Gwak, C Kim and C Y Jung 2018
Effect of specimen size on material characterization and using data for simulation of cruciform specimen with thickness variation
P Farahnak, M Urbanek , M Rund , P Konopik and J Dzugan 2018
Effect of Temperature and Deformation Speed on Formability of IN718 Sheets: Experimentation and Modelling
K.S. Prasad, S.K. Panda, S.K. Kar, S.K. Singh, S.V.S.N. Murty and S.C. Sharma 2018
Determination and Application of Forming Limit Diagram of Aluminium Alloy 5083 Sheet
Gang Fang, Jia-Qing Zhao, Qian Wang 2018
Stakes and solutions for in-plane sheet-metal formability assessment
J Goncalves, G Jotz, F Huet 2018
Experimental Investigation of Forming Limit Curve for AA5754-O
W N Yuan, M Wan and X D Wu 2018
Determination of forming limit for aluminium alloy sheet eliminating the interferences of through-thickness stress and non-linear strain path
Zhu Chen, Gang Fang 2018
Plastic instabilities in AA5754-O under various stress states
Yong Hou, Junying Min, Jianping Lin, John E. Carsley and Thomas B. Stoughton 2018
Development of novel forming limit curve testing method
Z Deng and J P McGuire 2018
Damage Evolution in Nakajima Tests of DP800 Dual Phase Steel
T Bergs, M Nick, D Trauth, F Klocke 2018
Metallographic analysis of failure mechanisms during Nakajima tests for the evaluation of forming limits on a dual-phase steel
Emanuela Affronti, Mario Weidinger1 and Marion Merklein 2018
Application of Non-Uniform Stretch Flanging Theory to Edge-Crack-Prevention Product Design
R Tabata, J Nitta, S Yonemura, M Mizumura and S Hiwatashi 2018

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